Birth of Acrylic Kitchen in India
Up until the mid 1970’s, all kitchen cabinets had solid wood panels for its shutters. They were intricately crafted to bring out the perfect shape and size. They were polished with sand paper and then finished with either veneers or simply oil paint. They looked good...

The fastest way to clean your kitchen
The kitchen, out of all the rooms in your house, is the one that requires the most attention daily. However, do not become accustomed to cleaning the kitchen after each meal numerous times a day. You can go from filthy to dazzling clean in a very short period....

Vintage Kitchen decors making a comeback
Woodgrain and tapered legs have been popular in the design world for quite some time, but they aren't the only game in town when it comes to vintage style—especially in the kitchen, where well-placed throwbacks from any decade are typically right at home. A...

Which Is The Most Suitable Material For Your Kitchen?
History of the Indian Kitchen Until the beginning of the twentieth century, Indian kitchens didn’t even have platforms or storage cabinets. Mostly women, and some men, cooked on earthen choolas (stoves) mounted in the distant corner of the kitchen, and things were...

‘FURNITURE’ Tradition Of Furniture In India
Despite having glorious traditions in almost every aspect like jewellery, textiles, architecture, glass etc, India sadly lacked a history of furniture making. Whatever little furniture that existed was mostly ornamental rather than utilitarian, and only meant for the...

Significance of an Architect’s Perspective in Kitchen Design
Just as an architect is imperative for constructing a house, so is he/she needed to design the kitchen for that house. Architects are complete technocrats, with in depth knowledge of space and armed with the technicalities for the best utility of that space. Their...

आजे सासुबाईंनी मामंजी आणि अहोंची शाळा घेतली !!
पती, सासू, सासरे, दिर आणि आजे सासुबाई अशा एकत्र कुटुंब पद्धतीत रहाणाऱ्या अंजनीच्या आजेसासूबाईंची कहाणी. जरी त्यांचा जन्म गेल्या शतकातील असला तरी विचाराने त्या प्रगल्भ आहेत. त्यांचे घराकडे लक्षही बारीक असते, कधीकधी त्याचा कुटुंबाला फायदाच होतो. छोट्या छोट्या कामात...

येणार येणार म्हणून गाजावाजा केला आम्ही आणि नंबर मात्र पटकावला शेजारणीने!
दोन सख्ख्या शेजारणींची ही कहाणी आहे. प्रधान आणि देशमुख दोघे सख्खे शेजारी. दोघांकडे सालाबादप्रमाणे गणपती बसतो आणि सगळ्यांना उत्सुकता असते ती त्यांच्याकडे असणाऱ्या चमचमीत, खमंग, स्वादिष्ट, पौष्टिक प्रसादाची. प्रधान काकूंनी किचन रिनोव्हेशनचे कॉन्ट्रॅक्ट दिले होते आणि...

हि कथा आहे आकाश आणि अवनीची . बहुतेकांना असाच प्रत्यय येत असावा.

बहुतेक महिला गैरसोयी सांगत नाहीत, उलट आला दिवस साजरा करतात!
आसावरी माझी मामी, स्वेटर विणून दे, फरच्या बाहुल्या कर पेंटिंग कर, ड्रेस डिझाईन करून दे इत्यादी. सगळ्यात तरबेज, अगदी अष्टपैलू व्यक्तिमत्व, तिला वेगवेगळे पदार्थ करून खिलवण्याचा छन्द, म्हणजे फक्त महाराष्ट्रीयन नव्हे तर पंजाबी, साऊथ इंडियन, कॉन्टिनेन्टल डिशेश करण्यात ती...